Pascal Levy / Panthéon-Sorbonne

2018 France Excellence Summer School at Panthéon-Sorbonne

The France Excellence Summer School programme was created in 2016 by the French embassy in China and Campus France, in order to improve the recruitment of Chinese students in PhD programmes for French universities.

Each year, selected summer schools are dedicated to a limited number of Chinese Master students interested in continuing onto further PhD studies and a career in research and academia.

Courses (Master’s degree level) are taught in English by professors and researchers from internationally renowned French universities. Taking part in France Excellence Summer Schools also enable candidates to identify a potential research subject and a thesis supervisor.

Summer School on International Economics and Sustainable Global Development

Following this 3rd call for projects, The Sorbonne School of Economics has been selected by the French embassy in China to offer a summer school on International Economics and Sustainable Global Development from 18th June to 15th July 2018.

Chinese students will be mixed with other international students to learn more on research on international economics and globalisation, as well as research on sustainable development. Selected students will have courses with students from Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne who will be following summer courses on international economics within the framework of an existing cooperation with Fudan University and the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) in Beijing.

The combination of Chinese and non-Chinese audiences will provide an opportunity for all participants to study in a multicultural environment.
In addition to lectures on both theory and methodology with collective work organised in small groups to prepare a report on a specific subject, students will also benefit from French language and culture classes.

Although applications via Campus France are now closed, it is still possible to apply otherwise until 15th April 2018 by sending an email to