
LLOM project kickoff meeting in Thessaloniki

The kickoff meeting of the LLOM project took place at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in Greece, on 12th and 13th November 2018.

Coordinated by Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, the Learning Languages Online in the age of Mobility (LLOM) is a newly funded Erasmus+ project, which aims to surpass the existing Online Linguistic Support (OLS) system to promote multilingualism and diversify language teaching and learning opportunities.

The first goal of the project is to support exchange students through online learning tools that combine innovative pedagogic approaches and constructive gamification elements. Its second goal is to give training support to future language teachers and equip them with digital skills that they can employ in their teaching, thereby adapting material and methods for online settings, strengthening e-learning skills and ultimately ’e-teaching culture’.

Partners involved in the LLOM project met at the Faculty of Education of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki last week to discuss several topics including financial rules, online pedagogical learning, gamification in mobile language learning and quality assurance. 

LLOM Kickoff meeting

Alongside Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, five other European universities involved in the project participated in the sessions: University of Vienna (Austria), University of Eastern FinlandUniversity of Alcalá (Spain), University of Lodz (Poland) and University of Aveiro (Portugal). All seven universities are members or associate members of the European University Foundation (EUF).

A second meeting with all partner universities will be held in June 2019 in Finland.