
Third Edition of the UNIMED Week in Brussels

The third edition of the “UNIMED Week in Brussels” took place from 10th to 12th April 2018. This event was an opportunity to propose a political reflection by the Euro-Mediterranean academic community on the relationships between European institutions and the Mediterranean region.

Organised around several thematic meetings and seminars, the UNIMED Week enabled participants to raise questions, develop their skills and ability to deal with issues of common concern, and identify steps for future cooperation in a constructive and positive atmosphere. Meetings included a morning session with the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC), in charge of a variety of projects and programmes including Erasmus+.

UNIMED (Mediterranean Universities Union), created in 1991, is a network of universities and research centres dedicated to promote Euro-Mediterranean academic cooperation. Its mission is to facilitate the Euro-Mediterranean dimension of university collaborations in order to enhance the scientific, cultural, social, and economic development of the region.

Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University is a founding and active member of UNIMED. Since 2016, it has been partnering with the network on two capacity building projects co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme (DIRE-MED and SAGESSE).

The UNIMED General Assembly 2017 was held at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University on 30th and 31st  October 2017. This annual two-day event is a major part of the network’s life, where representatives from member universities meet with organisations and institutions such as Ministries, government agencies, and non-profit organisations.

See also: UNIMED petition for a Mediterranean Generation and manifesto for a new Mediterranean of knowledge