Strengthening academic cooperation with South Korea
From 18th to 26th April 2022, a delegation from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne conducted a visit to the Republic of Korea in order to strengthen the existing agreements with its partner universities, in particular with Sungkyunkwan University, its long-standing partner since 1998.
The meeting with Sungkyunkwan University was an opportunity to discuss the trends and priorities of each institution in terms of training and research, in order to jointly identify ways of collaborating in the framework of research programmes, mobility of professors and administrative staff, but also international joint PhD supervision. The discussions also focused more generally on the development of Korean higher education following the reopening of the Republic of Korea two years after the outbreak of the pandemic, leading to new prospects for hybrid cooperation. These issues were also discussed with the French Embassy in Seoul, during a meeting at the French Institute with its director, Mr Ludovic Guillot, cultural counsellor and Mr Denis Fourmeau, attaché for scientific and academic cooperation.
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne currently has four partner institutions in South Korea: Ewha Womans University, Kyungpook National University, Seoul National University and Sungkyunkwan University. The visit enabled the delegation to meet with the other partners of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne based in Seoul, including Seoul National University and Ewha Womans University, a partner since 2019 with whom discussions focused on the reception of incoming students and ways of ensuring balanced student exchanges. Indeed, the student community of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne has been showing for several years a growing interest for studying in the Republic of Korea.
Given this growing demand for mobility to the region, another aim of the visit was to meet with three new institutions, including two in Seoul (Sogang University and Chung-Ang University) and one in the country's largest port city (Pusan National University), in order to explore future cooperation opportunities.