OpenU peer-learning event in Madrid
The first peer-learning event of the OpenU project, coordinated by Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, was hosted by Universidad Complutense de Madrid on 21st January 2022, bringing together 40 partner representatives on-site and online.
The peer-learning event marked the end of the first experimentation phase of the project, which aimed to identify needs, produce knowledge, encourage the development of close-knit cooperation activities and analyse the impact of the online hub and its functionalities. This phase was launched in July 2021 and ran until December 2021. It allowed 10 universities to identify 13 innovative projects and initiatives covering a huge variety of educational topics, such as micro-credentials, gamification, high-quality research, multi-actor approaches, and blended learning.
During this workshop, experts and experimenters were able to share the contributions, results, and recommendations stemming from their projects, giving to the experimentation the depth and rigorous approach of any scientific research. Panels focused on topical issues ranging from the practical and political implications of blended learning, to existing support to digitalisation and ways to push international virtual exchange and mobility forward.
Representatives of five policy partners were also invited to join the event in a closing policy session, which allowed participants to discuss ways of building and enhancing the dialogue between the universities’ consortium and the policy-making members.
A second experimentation phase is due to be launched in February 2022. It will be open to projects carried by European Universities Alliances and will act as a further leverage to impulse the development of new projects and practices, in addition to OpenU’s existing ones.
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